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This is the public archive with ID c2d65dddd6114f2ee6f493ab9b7f1a18 created on 2021-11-26 14:38:46 by Martin Hayhurst Appel, NBI <>.
Martin Hayhurst Appel
Data for Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 013602
The folder contains all data, analysis scripts and generated figures for the article "Coherent Spin-Photon Interface with Waveguide Induced Cycling Transitions" Martin Hayhurst Appel, Alexey Tiranov, Alisa Javadi, Matthias C. Löbl, Ying Wang, Sven Scholz, Andreas D. Wieck, Arne Ludwig, Richard J. Warburton, and Peter Lodahl Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 013602 – Published 8 January 2021 Note: All Matlab scripts have been modified prior to upload to change the filepaths of the data, as the scipts previously linked to a NAS-server. Contents: /Cavity Scans Contains data and analysis for producing Fig. 3a /Resonant Transmission Separate files for plotting all 3 transmission curves seen in Fig. 3b and for fitting curves to get rough estimates of transmission dips. /Spin Pumping Contains analysis files and data for analyzing optical spin pumping.
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