Archive Files
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This is the public archive with ID e990eedc9f4e7ad453010efc81b31f70 created on 2021-10-19 13:02:15 by Tobias Guldberg Frøslev, BIO <>.
Carla Cruz Paredes, Toke Bang-Andreasen, Søren Christensen, Flemming Ekelund, Tobias Guldberg Frøslev, Carsten Suhr Jacobsen, Jesper Liengaard Johansen, Louise Hindborg Mortensen, Regin Rønn, Mette Vestergård, Rasmus Kjøller
Bacteria respond stronger than fungi across a steep wood-ash driven pH gradient - sequence data
This directory contains basic data formats used in the analyses A sample information file with info on sample ids and amount of ash. Sequence and OTU data is separated into fungi and bacteria data The data includes - Demultiplexed fastq reads. These compressed directories contain two subdirectories. DADA2_SS contains matched sample wise R1 and R2 reads for amplicons build into the libraries in the forward-reverse direction. DADA2_AS contains matched sample wise R1 and R2 reads for amplicons build into the libraries in the reverse-forward direction. - OTU tables including read abundance for relevant samples, and corresponding tables with taxonomic affiliation for each OTU. These tables have been processed and filteres as documented in the publication and form the basis of the ecologica/statistical analyses. The compressed archived can be extracted like this: tar -xcvf demultiplexed_bacteria_fastg.tar.gz
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