This is the public archive with ID db553715ecbe1f3ac66c1dc569826eef created on 2021-03-15 12:57:51 by Mathias Perslev, BIOINFORMATIK <>.
Archive Meta Data
Mathias Perslev, Sune Darkner, Lykke Kempfner, Miki Nikolic, Poul Jørgen Jennum and Christian Igel
DCSM Sleep Staging Dataset
--| Overview This archive stores the Danish Center for Sleep Medicine (DCSM) sleep staging dataset. The DCSM dataset consists of 255 randomly selected and fully anonymized overnight lab-based PSG recordings from patients visiting the DCSM for the diagnosis of non-specific sleep related disorders. The DCSM dataset represents a diverse cohort of Danish patients with respect to demographic characteristics, diagnostic background and sleep/non-sleep related medication usage. The PSGs were collected between 2015-2018. EEG and EOG signals were recorded at 256 Hz and bandpass filtered to the interval 0.3 Hz - 70 Hz (3dB limits). Hypnograms were scored according to the AASM criteria. The intended purpose of the DCSM dataset is development and benchmarking of clinically applicable sleep staging algorithms. --| Publication This dataset was published in: U-Sleep: Resilient High-Frequency Sleep Staging Mathias Perslev, Sune Darkner, Lykke Kempfner, Miki Nikolic, Poul Jørgen Jennum and Christian Igel npj Digital Medicine, 2021 --| Dataset Structure Each subject in the dataset is represented by an anonymously named folder storing three data files, 'hypnogram.ids', 'psg.edf' and 'psg.h5', for example: /dcsm_dataset/ |- tp8cbd54f0_4751_4def_b11e_6e6353c69562 |----| hypnogram.ids |----| psg.edf |----| psg.h5 ---| Downloading the Data The dataset can be downloaded as a single zip file from this archive. Alternatively, the U-Time software package allows the entire or a subset of the dataset to be downloaded. Please see ---| Loading Data Data may be loaded manually (please refer to details below) or using the U-Time software package. Please see to ---| H5 & EDF PSG File Details Each PSG file (psg.h5) is a HDF5 formatted file storing data from multiple modalities such as EEG, EOG and EMG as separate channel-wise entries. The archive stores each channel under a group named 'channels'. For example, to access data channel 'C3-M2', the directory '/channels/C3-M2' should be considered. Each archive also has the attributes 'date' and 'sample_rate': 'date' is always None (anonymized) and 'sample_rate' is always 256 (Hz). Each PSG recording is also supplied in EDF format. ---| Hypnogram File Details Each hypnogram file (hypnogram.ids) is a text file storing data in "init-duration-stage" format (ids). It contains three comma-separated columns of values: 1) The first column ('init') stores a time point at which a scored segment of sleep begins in seconds offset from the start of the PSG recording. 2) The second column ('duration') stores the duration of time in seconds that the scored segment of sleep lasts. 3) The third column ('stage') stores the clinician's sleep stage annotation for the segment, which is always one of ['Wake', 'N1', 'N2', 'N3', 'REM']. For example, if a subject was scored to be in sleep stage "Wake" for 120 seconds starting at second 60 in the file, the hypnogram file would contain the following line: "60,120,Wake".
Archive Files
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