Toggle column:
type / ProgID / Full_Proposal_Title / PI / cycle / Total / Prop / Obs / visit / target / ra / dec / sky / configuration / Hours / win_start / win_end / timeline
< Total < Total program allocation, hours
< Prop < Proprietary time, months
< ra < Visit RA center, deg / Full table of visit footprints: visit_footprints.csv.gz ($ APT/bin/apt -nogui -export csv)
< dec < Visit DEC center, deg
< Hours < Visit duration
< win_start < Beginning of LRP scheduling window
< win_end < End of LRP scheduling window
type ProgID Full_Proposal_Title PI cycle Total Prop Obs visit target ra dec sky configuration Hours win_start win_end timeline

Generated 2022-05-15 18:54:29.603 by gbrammer with lrp-calendar.ipynb